Kali Linux Tutorial: DDoS Attack Using GoldenEye Tool In Kali 2.0 (Sana)

Kali Linux Tutorial: DDoS Attack Using GoldenEye Tool In Kali 2.0 (Sana)

Today we are going to talk about how to use GoldenEye to perform a ddos attack, if you want learn about ddos attack you just need to read the below recommended article about DDoS , and Here in this tutorial we will use GoldenEye Python based app in kali linux 2.0 as the Operating system.

Disclaimer: This tutorial is for educational purposes only and we are NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, use it at your own risk. 

What is GoldenEye ?

GoldenEye is an python app for SECURITY TESTING PURPOSES ONLY! And he is a HTTP DoS Test Tool.

Downloading GoldenEye :

To Download GoldenEye Go To : https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye
Ore open your Terminal on KAli Linux 2.0 and follow:
  • Cloning into ‘GoldenEye’…

  • remote: Counting objects: 70, done.
  • remote: Total 70 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 70
  • Unpacking objects: 100% (70/70), done.
  • Checking connectivity… done.
  • root@k4linux:~# cd GoldenEye/
  • root@k4linux:~/GoldenEye# ls
  • goldeneye.py README.md res util
  • root@k4linux:~/GoldenEye#

How To Use GoldenEye?

GoldenEye it simple to use after downloading it go to the folder where you saved them.

Change the permission and make it executable :

root@k4linux:~/GoldenEye# chmod +x goldeneye.py 
And run the script :
root@k4linux:~/GoldenEye# ./goldeneye.py [OPTIONS] 

To show all options :
root@k4linux:~/GoldenEye# ./goldeneye.py -h

 If you have encountered a problem or you have any questions or remarks please feel free to set a comment.


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